S. No. Title Description Start Date End Date Documents
46 Cancellation notice of Walk-in-Interview for the post of TGT & PGT OAV Kursud, Balangir. 27-04-2023 30-04-2023
47 Walk-in-Interview for the post of TGT Math, SST, HINDI and Sanskrit, OAV Jharni, Turekela, Balangir. 21-04-2023 28-04-2023
48 Walk-in-Interview for the post of PGT Chemistry, TGT HINDI and Sanskrit, OAV Bhalumunda, Bangomunda, Balangir. 21-04-2023 25-04-2023
49 Walk-in-Interview for the post of TGT Math and English, OAV Patharchepa, Balangir. 20-04-2023 27-04-2023
50 Walk-in-Interview for the post of TGT-English, OAV Bharuamunda, Belbada. 19-04-2023 01-05-2023
51 Walk-in-Interview for the post of TGT-Math and TGT-English, OAV Tentulikhunti, Gudvela. 19-04-2023 28-04-2023
52 Advertisement for the post of CRP-CM under Muribahal Block. 18-04-2023 02-05-2023
53 Advertisement for post of Master Book Keeper (MBK),CRP-CM and Bank Mitra under Agalpur(Duduka) Block. 18-04-2023 01-05-2023
54 Walk-in-Interview for the post of TGT & PGT OAV Kursud, Balangir. 18-04-2023 27-04-2023
55 Walk-in-Interview for the post of PGT &TGT OAV Bhainsha, Balangir. 18-04-2023 24-04-2023
56 Walk-in-Interview for the post of TGT-SST OAV Bibina, Balangir. 17-04-2023 26-04-2023
57 Walk-in-Interview for the post of PGT-Physics, OAV Muribahal, Balangir. 12-04-2023 18-04-2023
58 Walk-in-Interview for the post of PGT-Mathematics, PGT-Chemistry and TGT- Social Studies , OAV Jharmunda Loisingha. 11-04-2023 24-04-2023
59 Walk-in-Interview for the post of TGT-Mathematics and TGT-English, OAV Chandrapur Deogaon. 11-04-2023 20-04-2023
60 Walk-in-Interview for the post of PGT-Chemistry and TGT-Odia, OAV Mahimunda, Balangir. 05-04-2023 13-04-2023